Last Day at Browning Elementary

My last day was bittersweet.  Just as I adjusted to the routine, my eight weeks abruptly ended!

I learned so much from everyone at BES: the students, the teachers, the coaches and specialists, and especially Ms. Grant.  Ms. Grant took great care to critique all of my lessons taking detailed notes on what worked and what I can improve on for next time.  Always positive and supportive, I felt comfortable knowing she had my back and always the best interests of her students in mind.  We shared a lot of laughs and I'm proud to say that even on the toughest of days (Mondays) there were never any tears.

The experience was invaluable.  I am grateful to Principal Wagner for hosting me as a student teacher and all of the other teachers who were eager to show me the different programs implemented in their classrooms.  Also, a big thank you to Gloria Wilkinson, my Supervisor during these eight weeks.  Both Gloria and Ms. Grant had the task of filling out stacks of paperwork with a deadline that snuck up on us all!

As if Ms. Grant didn't do enough over these eight weeks, she also gave me the perfect parting gift:  everything I need to decorate my first classroom.  I was overwhelmed by her generosity and thoughtfulness and then I noticed she also included a beautiful pair of quillwork earrings.  I will wear them proudly as a reminder of my time at BES.


  1. Lovely post, Natalie. Good thoughts from me to you always. Ann


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