First day of school: Day one CHECK!

Car-pooled with Betsy and Elizabeth, drive was a little longer than I remembered but enough time to chat, drink coffee and ease into the day.

The biggest challenge of the day was not knowing where my second cup of coffee would come from – a challenge for which I am thankful for.

I’m guessing the next few days will be a bit more trying – my cooperating teacher is heading to Billings tomorrow afternoon and for the rest of the week, it’s me and a substitute.  In order to maximize my 8-weeks, I will spend part of those days observing the literacy and math programs being implemented in other classrooms in order to broaden my understanding of how the students are doing and what they are learning.

On a Cooling it in Cut Bank note – remember that bumper sticker at Two Sister’s?!  I joined the Cut Bank Civic Center this evening so I now have access to a treadmill and a hot tub.  What more can a girl ask for in January on the Hi-line?


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