I have an INTERN!!!
Hi all! Happy New Year! I'm a big fan of Gretchen Rubin's Happier Podcast and that's where I get my take on resolutions. So, here's my 19 in 2019 which (as you can see) includes monthly blog posts. Did you make any resolutions this year? Share them in the comments! Many of my goals are centered around Tesori dal Lago, a jewelry line curated from objects found along the shores of Lake Erie. In 2018, I was honored to present my line to a variety of audiences by showing at The Ashtabula Harbor Beach Glass Festival, The Cleveland Flea, Ramparts Gallery in 78th St. Studios, and The Art Craft Studio Show. This year, while I'm strategically filling out show applications (and crossing fingers and toes I'm selected) I have an exciting announcement: I have an intern! Her name is Jessica. Read more about Jess: Hello! My name is Jessica Bunnell and I am a senior marketing major at Ohio Northern University. This spring I will be...