Mid-Winter Break
I'm writing to you from Apgar Village, Glacier National Park, enjoying my "Mid-Winter Break." The snow is falling steadily but gently. I always say it snows here, "the way it's supposed to." Due to the break, we had a short week and early-out yesterday. I think it goes without saying that the week flew by. On Tuesday, we retested our Reading Mastery students on their ISIP tests. While a break-down of the results showed improvement in vocabulary and spelling, not enough gains were made in text fluency and comprehension to move students to the next tier. We are still seeing slow and steady growth but when you look at the results in black and white, it does not look good. So, what are we doing to help these kids? We have added a read-aloud to the reading block, incorporating the technique of "Fast Mapping." In cognitive psychology, fast mapping is learning a new concept after a brief exposure. What does that mean?! When we rea...